Sólfar / Sun Voyager by artist Jón Gunnar Árnason is often described as a Viking ship, when in fact the inspiration is more complex, as this information put together by the artist's daughter, Thorbjörg Jónsdóttir, explains. The document…
Podcast from Le Salon noir, France Culture, broadcast Saturday 9 January at 19:30.
'Dans les pas des invasions vikings' (In the Footsteps of the Viking Invasions') with Vincent Carpentier, medieval archaeologist at Inrap
Des récits palpitants qui racontent deux siècles et demi de conquêtes et d’histoire du monde sur trois continents. Écrit par Vincent Carpentier, archéologue à l’Inrap et illustré par Jeff Pourquié. Une…
This fantastic publication covers everything from politics and belief in Viking Age Denmark, to experimental archaeology and the journey of the Sea Stallion. It also includes two chapters on the use of Viking branding in the past and in Denmark today…
Website for Avaldsnes: Noregs eldste kongesete (Norway's Oldest Royal Seat), which includes information about the Avaldsnes History Centre, Viking Farm, and background information about the Vikings, illustrated with images of re-enactors.