A model representing the important trading settlement of Ribe in the Viking Age. Details about the exhibition can be found at http://www.ribesvikinger.dk/en/
Replicas of placards used during the demonstrations against the development of the Wood Quay site in Dublin in the 1970s. Dublin City Council's Civic Offices were built on the site of Viking Dublin, after some of the most important excavations of a…
The Online Learning Website from Dublinia features interactive maps of Viking and medieval Dublin, and nine audio visual animations on historical sites in the city, available via a free online platform at http://dublinia.ie/online-learning/
An interactive map of Dublin with a slider allowing a view of the city development through the Viking and Medieval periods. Produced by Dublinia as part of their Online Learning Resources, and available for Primary Level and for Everyone.
Kaupang in Skiringssal was a Viking Age town and market. It is the first known trading outpost in Norway. The town was founded c.800 and was abandoned in the early 10th century. The site is open to visitors each summer, and offers activities as well…