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Woman in traditional Norse dress outside Tjodhilde's Church in Qassiarsuk
Photo of a woman in traditional Norse dress outside the reconstruction of Tjodhilde's Church in Qassiarsuk, Southern Greenland by Franziska Mahler - Visit Greenland
Tags: Brattahlíð, Church, Dress, Female, Greenland, Living History, Re-enactment, Women
View into the interior of Thjodhild's Church
Thjodhild (Þjóðhild) had a church built in the Viking settlement of Brattahlíð (Qassiarsuk), Greenland. The reconstruction shows how the interior might have looked. It is small and would not have accommodated many people.
View inside the Round Tower of St Magnus Church, Egilsay
St Magnus Church, founded at the site of the killing of Saint Magnus Erlendsson, Earl of Orkney by an axe-blow to the head in ca. 1116 at the orders of his cousin Hákon Pálsson. This episode, referred to in Orkneyinga saga, is possibly corroborated…
Tags: Buildings, Christianity, Church, Conversion, Egilsay, Martyrs, Orkney, Religion, Round Towers, Ruins, Scotland, St Magnus
St Magnus Church, Orkney
St Magnus Church, founded at the site of the killing of Saint Magnus Erlendsson, Earl of Orkney by an axe-blow to the head in ca. 1116 at the orders of his cousin Hákon Pálsson. This episode, referred to in Orkneyinga saga, is possibly corroborated…
Tags: Buildings, Built Heritage, Christianity, Church, Conversion, Egilsay, Martyrs, Orkney, Religion, Scotland, St Magnus
Runic stone (FR 2 M) from Sandavágur Church in the Faroes
Thirteenth century runic stone from Sandavágur Church in the Faroes. The inscription reads 'Þorkell Ônundar sonr, austmaðr af Rogalandi, bygði þenna stað fyrst.' Þorkell Ônundr's son, man of the east from Rogaland, lived in this place first…
Tags: Artefact, Church, Document, Faroe Islands, Faroese, Medieval, Medieval Runes, Memorials, Old Norse, Religion, Rune stones, Runeinnskrifter, Runeinskrifter, Runes / Runer, Runestein, Runesten, Runestones, Runic, Runic inscriptions, Runinskrifter, Sandavágur, Settlement, Stone, Stonework, Texts, Writing
Runic inscriptions from St. Olaf's church in Bø, Norway.
Runic graffiti on wood from St. Olaf's church in Bø, Norway. (1150-1200 AD)
Runic inscription from St. Olaf's church in Bø, Norway.
Runic graffiti on wood from St. Olaf's church in Bø, Norway. (Unspecified date)
Runic inscription from Heddal stave church dating from the 13th century.
This runic inscription can be found in the covered exterior passage, on the fourth wall-board to the right of the south portal. The inscription consists of five runes, two of which, according to Professor Magnus Olsen, may be disregarded as mere…
Rune stone (Vs 29)
Rune stone from Sala landsförsamlings Kyrka, Västmanland(Vs 29).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
+ uisti + yk + alfton + litu + akua + stin + yftir + ulmo + faþur + sen + yk + ulfast + bruþur +…
Rune stone (U Fv1953;274)
Rune stone fromSkånela Kyrka, Uppland (U Fv1953;274).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
... lit × raisa × staina × ...a(h)...... lét reisa steina ...
... had the stones raised ...
Rune stone (U Fv1948;168)
Rune stone from Alsike Kyrka, Uppland (U Fv1948;168).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
sibi * uk * ikriþ * litu * raisa * stain * iftiR * g-ha * uk * at * harþ * suni * sina * sihimuntr * uk * sihikfastr *…
Rune stone (U 987)
Rune stone from Funbokyrka, Uppland (U 987).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
katil ' auk| |kuriþr ' litu rosa stin þino × oftiR þurstin sun sin uiþi auk rikuiþr ' þiR ristu…
Rune stone (U 964)
Rune stone from Vaksalakyrka, Uppland (U 964).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
+ kitilfiriþR : lit : sitia : stin : for : ot : suins bunt... ...lukR : iuk : kinlau-aRKetilfríðr lét setja stein…
Rune stone (U 963)
Rune stone from Vaksalakyrka, Uppland (U 963).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
niskunukR + lit ... ...rn + faþur + sin + auk + ika + iftR + buota + sin + ku... ... þini × ikulburn + ak + kuþs…
Rune stone (U 962)
Rune stone from Vaksalakyrka, Uppland (U 962).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
... at ' sik ' silfa... ...--[k]an ' in ' (r)[ai-]-(n) ' -(a)stgi[-]... at sik sjalfa[n kvi]kvan. En <rai--n>…
Rune stone (U 961)
Rune stone from Vaksalakyrka, Uppland (U 961).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
h(u)(l)-a + lit + raisa stain + þina at kitilbiarn ' faþur ' sin + auk runfriþ ' at ' bonta ' auk ihulfastr ' riþ…
Rune stone (U 946)
Rune stone from Danmarkskyrka, Uppland (U 946).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
kusi × lit iRaisa at aka aouk at katil arnukinGusi/Gussi/Kúsi lét reisa at Áka ok at Ketil…
Rune stone (U 945)
Rune stone inDanmarkskyrka, Uppland (U 945).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
× sikniutr × auk × auiþr × litu × raisa × stain × at × ofaik × faþur…
Rune stone (U 912)
Rune stone from Börje Kyrka, Uppland (U 912).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
si[kfiR]uþr : lit : hi : Risa : at : burkaiR : foþur sinSigfrøðr lét her(?) reisa at Borggeir,…
Rune stone (U 851)
Rune stone fromBalingsta,Uppland (U 851).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
uani * auk * siriþ ... ...a * yftR * ernfriþi * auk * fryg...Vani(?) ok Sigríðr ... [þenn]a eptir…