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MOIRAI - Blood treasure, woven fates - Trailer
This is a short video to introduce MOIRAI's latest concert project on the Old Norse poetic Edda. More information can be found here:
Conference Presentation: Maja Bäckvall, ‘Pick Up Rune: Rune Usage in Video and Computer Games’
Maja Bäckvall (Uppsala University/University of Copenhagen) ‘Pick Up Rune: Rune Usage in Video and Computer Games’ at the IRC-Funded Conference ''Rediscovering the Vikings', UCC, 25 Nov. 2016. Chaired by Roderick Dale
Copy of 'Hørningstenen' (DR 58) Vikingemuseet Århus Denmark
Copy of Hørningstenen runestone at Vikingemuseet (Viking Museum) Århus Denmark Original at Moesgård Museum Århus Original discovered 1849 by a farmer on his land between Jelling…
Rune stone (Vs 29)
Rune stone from Sala landsförsamlings Kyrka, Västmanland(Vs 29).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
+ uisti + yk + alfton + litu + akua + stin + yftir + ulmo + faþur + sen + yk + ulfast + bruþur +…
Rune stone (Vs 24)
Rune stone from Hassmyra, Västmanland(Vs 24).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
buonti × kuþr × hulmkoetr × lit × resa × ufteR × oþintisu × kunu × seno…
Rune stone (Vs 22)
Rune stone from Ulvsta, Västmanland(Vs 22).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
... + ytR : runfast * bruþur + s=in : hn : toþr : i : faru + runo : ... (t)rka... eptir Rúnfast, bróður…
Rune stone (Vs 15) (B)
Rune stone from Lilla Kyringe, Västmanland(Vs 15).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
§A× higulfr × lit × kira × merki × þisa × at × knut × faþur san…
Rune stone (Vs 15)
Rune stone from Lilla Kyringe, Västmanland(Vs 15).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
§A × higulfr × lit × kira × merki × þisa × at × knut × faþur…
Rune stone (Vs 13)
Rune stone from Västerås (Anundshög), Västmanland(Vs 13).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
× fulkuiþr × raisti × staina × þasi × ala × at ×…
Rune stone (Vs 10)
Rune stone from Saltängsbron, Västmanland(Vs 10).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription is purely ornamental.
Tags: Commemoration, Inscriptions, Memorials, Nonsense Inscriptions, Pseudo-Inscriptions, Rune stones, Runeinnskrifter, Runeinskrifter, Runes, Runes / Runer, Runestein, Runesten, Runestones, Runic, Runic inscriptions, Runinskrifter, Runsten, Saltängsbron, Stone, Sverige, Sweden, Västmanland, Viking Age, Writing
Rune stone (Vs 9)
Rune stone from Saltängsbron, Västmanland(Vs 9).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
× kisl × lit × kera × buru × eftR × osl × sun × sin × han…
Rune stone (U Fv1990;32B)
Rune stone from Ärnevi, Uppland (U Fv1990;32B).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
staki auk * þi-fi * litu * rist- * stain * þi-a * i-tir * himik + faþur × sin *Staki(?) ok Þj[al]fi…
Rune stones (U Fv1976;107)
Rune stone in Uppsala domkyrka, Uppland (U Fv1976;107).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
...-arn * uk * brantr litu * risa * stin * at * karluk * faþur * sin in * kitilbiarn at * broþur ybir risti…
Rune stone (U Fv1976;104)
Rune stone fromUppsala domkyrka, Uppland (U Fv1976;104).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
rikr * ok * hulti * fastkair * þaiR * litu * ...a stain * at * uikmar * faþur * sin * styriman * koþan :…
Tags: Cathedral, Commemoration, Inscriptions, Memorials, Rune stones, Runeinnskrifter, Runeinskrifter, Runes, Runes / Runer, Runestein, Runesten, Runestones, Runic, Runic inscriptions, Runinskrifter, Runsten, Sailing, Seafaring, Stone, Sverige, Sweden, Uppland, Uppsala, Uppsala domkyrka, Viking Age, Writing
Rune stone (U Fv1953;274)
Rune stone fromSkånela Kyrka, Uppland (U Fv1953;274).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
... lit × raisa × staina × ...a(h)...... lét reisa steina ...
... had the stones raised ...
Rune stone (U Fv1948;168)
Rune stone from Alsike Kyrka, Uppland (U Fv1948;168).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
sibi * uk * ikriþ * litu * raisa * stain * iftiR * g-ha * uk * at * harþ * suni * sina * sihimuntr * uk * sihikfastr *…
Rune stone (U 1181)
Rune stone from Lilla Runhällen, Råsbo, Uppland (U 1181).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
...-(i) × lit × (a)kua ... ...[k × sa](l)fan × ek-...ns*fari ' a(f)i × kunu-s *...…
Rune stone (U 1175)
Rune stone fromStora Ramsjö, Uppland (U 1175).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription is nonsense, and the ornamentation is a copy of U 1163.
Rune stone (U 1174)
Rune stone from Stora Ramsjö, Uppland (U 1174).
According to the Samnordisk runtextdatabas the inscription reads:
kun(u)-- * lit * risa * stin * þina * at * biarnkir *: sun * sin * a(k) ...(b)rn faþur sin * -u--- -----sin *…