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Rune-stone U 489
Late Viking Age granite rune-stone, originally from Morby in Uppland, Sweden, now in Universitetsparken, Uppsala. Signed by the renowned rune-carver Øpir, it was commissioned by a woman, probably called Gullaug, in memory of her daughter Gillaug,…
Rune stones (U Fv1976;107)
Rune stone in Uppsala domkyrka, Uppland (U Fv1976;107).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
...-arn * uk * brantr litu * risa * stin * at * karluk * faþur * sin in * kitilbiarn at * broþur ybir risti…
Rune stone (U Fv1976;104)
Rune stone fromUppsala domkyrka, Uppland (U Fv1976;104).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
rikr * ok * hulti * fastkair * þaiR * litu * ...a stain * at * uikmar * faþur * sin * styriman * koþan :…
Tags: Cathedral, Commemoration, Inscriptions, Memorials, Rune stones, Runeinnskrifter, Runeinskrifter, Runes, Runes / Runer, Runestein, Runesten, Runestones, Runic, Runic inscriptions, Runinskrifter, Runsten, Sailing, Seafaring, Stone, Sverige, Sweden, Uppland, Uppsala, Uppsala domkyrka, Viking Age, Writing
Rune stone (U 943)
Rune stone from Ärkebiskopsgården,Uppsala, Uppland (U 943).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
biaurn × auk × ... ...ain × atir × -[ka]... ant +Bjôrn ok ... [st]ein eptir ...…
Rune stone (U 939)
Rune stone from Uppsala domkyrka, Uppland (U 939).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
forkuþr uk ' bruni ' litu ' kera merki ' at ' ikulfast faþur si-Forkunnr ok Brúni létu gera merki at…
Rune stone (U 938)
Rune stone from Uppsala, Uppland (U 938).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
hulfastr ' lit ' risa ' stin ' at ' ihulkai ' faþur ' si(n) ' uk ' þorbiornHolmfastr lét reisa stein at Ígulgeir,…
Rune stone (U 937)
Rune stone from Svartbäcksgatan,Uppsala, Uppland (U 937).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
× þiak(n) × auk × kunar × raistu × stana × aftiR × uaþr ×…
Rune stone (U 935)
Rune stone from Uppsala domkyrka, Uppland (U 935).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
þ[i]agn : fasteþr : lit... ...[-]l ' (b)onta si...Þegn, Fastheiðr lét[u] ... bónda…
Rune stone (U 934)
Rune stone from Uppsala domkyrka, Uppland (U 934).
According to the Samnordisk runtextdatabas the inscription reads:
þoriR ' auk × ryþikr × auk × karl * þaiR + br... ...Þórir ok…
Rune stone (U 933) (Night view)
Rune stone from Uppsala domkyrka, Uppland (U 933).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
borha lit ' raisa ' stain ' iftiR ' stynbiar... ... ...orkil lit ' iftiR ' broþur ' sinBorga lét reisa stein eptir…
Rune stone (U 933)
Rune stone from Uppsala domkyrka, Uppland (U 933).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
borha lit ' raisa ' stain ' iftiR ' stynbiar... ... ...orkil lit ' iftiR ' broþur ' sinBorga lét reisa stein eptir…
Rune stone (U 932)
Rune stone from Uppsala domkyrka, Uppland (U 932).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
§Amuli ' u... ...--------... -ita stin þino ' aftiR ' suarthþa brur sin osmuntr ' inkialt§Bmuli ' auk|…
Rune stone (U 932)
Rune stone from Uppsala domkyrka, Uppland (U 932).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
§A muli ' u... ...--------... -ita stin þino ' aftiR ' suarthþa brur sin osmuntr ' inkialt§B muli ' auk|…
Rune stone (U 931)
Rune stone from Uppsala domkyrka, Uppland (U 931).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
[ * haou]... ...-fr * ka(s)l ' ok * iufrfast ' lit ' rsa s[tn iftu * faiau sein] ...-l... ... ... <kasl> ok…
The Vendel XIV Helmet
A helmet in the museum at Gamla Uppsala
Runestone Detail
Detail of a runestone on or near the campus of Uppsala Universitet.
This is a runestone on or near the campus of Uppsala Universitet.