Baldoyle United Football Club draws on the Viking heritage and seafaring culture of Dublin and its surroundings with this logo depicting a Viking ship.
The rousing chant used by Icelandic football fans has been widely commented on in the media following their success against England. The chant is most often referred to as a Viking war cry, but in fact it has nothing to do with the Vikings and is…
Viking Juve is one of the more extreme groups of the Juventus Ultras (organised fans of Juventus Football Club in Turin). The group has been involved in hooliganism, and it may be a willingness to fight that led to them naming the group after the…
A patch with the logo of Norrøna Sport premium outdoor clothing.The logo may be based on the skiiers in the famous painting 'Birkebeinerne på Ski over Fjeldet med Kongsbarnet' (item #2843)
The baseball team in Chalon sur Saône in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Region in eastern France is named 'Chalon Vikings'. It is not clear what the connection with the historical Vikings is.
Viking 'Warlord' Racing Bike produced by the Viking Cycles company which was based in Derry, and was bought by Manchester-based Avocet Sports. Their logo was once a Viking Ship.
Since the founding of the club, kayaks at Vordingborg Ro- og Kajakklub (Rowing and Kayak Club) have traditionally been named after figures from Norse mythology, both well-known and more obscure.
This club in Grafarvogur, Reykjavík takes the name of Fjölnir, a legendary Norse king mentioned in Grottasöngr and Ynglinga saga (where he is said to have drowned in a vat of mead), and named as the son of Freyr in Ynglingatal
The logo of the Norwegian outdoor clothing and sportsware brand Norrøna, which features a stylised viking head with helmet.The logo may be based on the skiiers in the famous painting 'Birkebeinerne på Ski over Fjeldet med Kongsbarnet'…
Folding 'viking' bike produced by the Viking Cycles company which was based in Derry, and was bought by Manchester-based Avocet Sports. Their logo was once a Viking Ship. Item submitted by Elena Coderoni.
Norrøna uses a logo of a Viking's head that immediately reminds of Knud Bergslien's painting 'Birkebeinerne'. The head is positioned as if the Viking is skiing downhill, representing the outdoor activities focus of the shop.
Logo of Norrøna: a Norwegian brand of outdoor clothing , from 1929. The logo may be based on the skiiers in the famous painting 'Birkebeinerne på Ski over Fjeldet med Kongsbarnet' (item #2843)