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  • Tags: doctoral training

Viking Dublin.jpg
This children's activity book was designed by the LMF Dublin team as a handheld resource for children to use on the purpose-designed walking tour around Viking Dublin. Through an illustrated series of games, puzzles, and information boxes, the book…

Orkney Project Poster.jpg
A poster created by ECRs on the Orkney Viking Heritage Project. Designed and produced by Annelies Stern.

Lord's Prayer in Orcadian Norn.jpg
A poster produced by ECRs on the Orkney Viking Heritage Project, demonstrating the language of Viking Age Orkney through the Lord's Prayer.

A booklet produced by PhD students working in the Lewis Team of the Languages, Myths and Finds Project.

A walking tour and activity book produced by PhD students working in the Dublin Team of the Languages, Myths and Finds Project.

A booklet produced by PhD students working in the Cleveland Team of the Languages, Myths and Finds Project.

A booklet produced by PhD students working in the Isle of Man Team of the Languages, Myths and Finds Project.

Vikings in Munster.pdf
A booklet produced by PhD students working in the Munster Team of the Languages, Myths and Finds Project.
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