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  • Tags: Vikingmarknad

Advertising poster for the Tonsberg Viking Festival. The Norseness of the festival is reinforced by the use of a rune-like font.

Reconstructed Viking ships at the Tønsberg Viking Festival. The ship closest to the foreground is Saga Oseberg, a reconstruction of the Oseberg ship. In the background is the Viking festival itself.

A view over the area of the Viking festival with Viking-style tents pitched around the site.

Various views of the reconstructed Viking ships at the Tonsberg Viking festival.

A selection of photographs taken around the Tønsberg Viking festival, showing the various wares on offer and the style of the tents.

A snack van at the Tønsberg Viking Festival trading on the Viking theme by selling Viking sausages and Oseberg cured salmon sandwiches.

A replica of the Klåstad ship is being built outside the Quality Hotel Tønsberg, in the middle of the area used for the Viking festival. The Klåstad ship was found in 1893 and is on display at Slottsfjellsmuseet in Tønsberg. It was found in a mud…

Boxes featuring the Mammen mask were on sale at Tønsberg Viking Festival.

These boxes show the wide variety of colours that beads from the Viking Age could come in. The photograph was taken at the Tønsberg Viking Festival.

A rack of naturally-dyed wool showing the range of colours that Viking Age clothes could have come in. The Vikings are known to have liked colourful clothes, and this photographs demonstrates what could be achieved with the technology they…

Prinsesse Kristina is a modern recreation based on Skuldelev 5, a warship of the Snekkja type that had 13 pairs of oars. The main difference is that this recreation has a rudder, instead of a steering oar. The ship is named for King Hakon…

A runic sign at Tønsberg Viking Festival. It reads Heiðrún. Heiðrún was the goat that produced mead for the einherjar in Valhalla.

Children's shields at Tønsberg Viking festival. They appear to have printed rather than painted designs.

A carved design on one of the tent boards at Tonsberg Viking Festival. The tents are designed so that one side can be raised as an awning to turn it into a shop.

Wooden boxes with various designs carved into them, seen at Tonsberg Viking Festival. Some of the designs are Viking-style, while others (e.g. the aegishjalmr) are more modern.

A dragon figurehead on one of the reconstructed Viking ships at Tonsberg Viking Festival.

A wooden carving in the shape of the stern decoration of the Oseberg ship for use as an ornament. Seen on a stall at the Tonsberg Viking Festival

Leather, lamellar-style armour on a stall at the Tønsberg Viking Festival. This type of armour is based on a find from Birka, whose origins were in Central Asia or Siberia. There does not appear to have been a native tradition of wearing this type…

These photographs are of several full-sized shields around Tønsberg Viking Festival. They feature a range of designs.

Performers at the Tønsberg Viking festival perform for and engage with the crowd.
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