Rune stone from Fjuckby, Uppland (U 1017).
According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads:
[fastulfr * lit * rita * stin * iftiR * hulf]ast [runiriþ lit * iftiR * osihik * faþur sin uk * bru * kra] al a(s)[li]ks…
Ölands runinskrifter Fv1911;274B, originally from Resmo Church in Öland, and now on display in the Swedish History Museum (Historiska museet). Viking Age. According to Rundata the inscription reads: ...ina ' eftiʀ ' sueinu ' boanta ' sin '…
Online article hosted on the website of writer and historian Thor Ewing giving his take on the tenth-century hogback from Heysham in Lancashire. Hogbacks - seemingly a distinctively Anglo-Norse style of grave marker - are some of the most discussed…