An illustration of a sword-guard recovered by a diver near Smalls Reef near Skomer island in Wales, and dating to c. 1100-1125. It is decorated with typical Insular Urnes style motifs.
The 'City Witness' project uses medieval testimony, and documentary and archaeological evidence to explore questions of place and perspective in medieval Swansea. The linked page explores Viking activity in Wales more generally, and in Swansea…
The Llandwrog hoard was found in March 2015. It comprises silver coins and ingots, and is thought to have been buried between 1020 and 1030. Eight of the coins date back to 995 while the other six are thought to date from around 1018.
An article from the National Museum of Wales about facial reconstruction of skeletons from Llanbedrgoch in North Wales. The skeletons date to the second half of the tenth century and appear to have been the victims of violence.
A group of re-enactors performing during a medieval fair at Raglan Castle in Wales in the summer of 2006. If you know who this group is, please let us know!
Jacqui Mulville and Ian Dennis (Guerilla Archaeology), ‘ Antler, Agency and Archaeology’. Chaired by Christina Lee. Presentation at the IRC-Funded Conference ''Rediscovering the Vikings', UCC, 25 Nov. 2016.