Christina Lee (University of Nottingham), ‘ Forged in Hekla’ s Ashes: Old Norse Myths and German Unification’. Chaired by Matthias Egeler. Presentation at the IRC-Funded Conference ''Rediscovering the Vikings', UCC, 25 Nov. 2016.
Carl Phelpstead (Cardiff University), ‘ Past and Present Identities in Margaret Elphinstone’ s Islanders’. Chaired by Dieuwke la Roi. Presentation at the IRC-Funded Conference ''Rediscovering the Vikings', UCC, 25 Nov. 2016.
Bergdís Þrastardóttir (Valkyrja adventures), ‘ The PhD in the World of Viking Entrepreneurship’. Chaired by Christina Lee. Presentation at the IRC-Funded Conference ''Rediscovering the Vikings', UCC, 25 Nov. 2016.
Andrey Korovin (Moscow State Pedagogical University), ‘ Thorvald Kondrason as a Saga Hero and the Main Character in a Historical Novel’. Chaired by Alison Killilea. Presentation at the IRC-Funded Conference ''Rediscovering the Vikings', UCC, 25…