The website of Moirai, an ensemble founded in Reykjavik in 2015, which specializes in the music of the Early and High Middle Ages, and "focuses on the female figures in the Edda songs. The story of the cursed Rhinegold is told mostly from the…
A performance of the Eddic Poem 'Helreið Brynhildar' (Brynhild's Ride to Hel) by the ensemble Moirai (Hanna Marti vocals, and Mara Winter, flute and vocals). Moirai, founded in Reykjavik in 2015,specializes in the music of the Early and High…
Short clip of a performance of 'Grípisspá' (Grípir's Prophecy) by the ensemble Moirai (Hanna Marti vocals, and Mara Winter, flute and vocals). Moirai, founded in Reykjavik in 2015,specializes in the music of the Early and High…
Painting of Sigurd and the dragon Fafnir by German painter Hermann Hendrich, part of his series based on scenes from Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen. Oil on canvass.