The Hjaltland Research Network ran a project to map Viking Age Shetland by digitising and mapping the datasets from different disciplines. It sought to answer the following questions:
– what happened to the pre-Viking population,
– …
Project THOR appears here because of its acronym and its relationship to Project ODIN.
THOR is a 30 month project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme. It will establish seamless integration between articles, data,…
ODIN appears here as an example of Viking-related acronyms.
ODIN – ORCID and DataCite Interoperability Network – was a two-year project which started in September 2012, funded by the European Commission’s ‘Coordination and Support…
The Nerthus Project aims at compiling a lexicon of Old English based on structural-functional principles. This involves the synthesis of the knowledge generated by a long tradition of philological studies in Old English and its reinterpretation not…
From the website: 'The aim of this research project is thus to assess the extent to which the round shield can illuminate Viking Age martial practices. More specifically, the research employs a practice approach towards understanding Viking Age…
The 'City Witness' project uses medieval testimony, and documentary and archaeological evidence to explore questions of place and perspective in medieval Swansea. The linked page explores Viking activity in Wales more generally, and in Swansea…