Viking axe-head in the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in Cambridge. Photo taken during the Languages, Myths and Finds workshop on handling artefacts.
Well-preserved Viking-Age Sword in the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in Cambridge. Photo taken during the Languages, Myths and Finds workshop on handling artefacts. More information about this item forthcoming.
Swords (Viking-Age) in the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in Cambridge. Photo taken during the Languages, Myths and Finds workshop on handling artefacts. More information about this item forthcoming.
Spear head (Viking-Age) in the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in Cambridge. Photo taken during the Languages, Myths and Finds workshop on handling artefacts. More information about this item forthcoming.
An oval brooch (Sweden) in the collections of the MAA, Cambridgein the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in Cambridge. Oval brooches were a distinctively Scandinavian dress item, and are relatively rare finds in England.
The Ballynolan thistle brooch was found near Pallaskenry, Co. Limerick, and is housed in the collections of the MAA, Cambridge. Discovered 1836 by a Mr John Kennedy whilst clearing stones. This Celtic style of brooch was typical of Ireland, and was a…
Round brooch in the collections of the MAA, Cambridge. Photo taken during the Languages, Myths and Finds workshop on handling artefacts. More information about this artefact forthcoming.