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  • Tags: Memorials

Late Viking Age granite rune-stone, originally from Morby in Uppland, Sweden, now in Universitetsparken, Uppsala. Signed by the renowned rune-carver Øpir, it was commissioned by a woman, probably called Gullaug, in memory of her daughter Gillaug,…

Saint Edmund Memorial Coinage, produced in East Anglia 896-910 by the East-Anglian Vikings, and imitating coins produced during Edmund's reign. HCR7805 and HCR7803

The memorial to Anne Stine and Helge Ingstad who discovered the Viking Age site at L'Anse aux Meadows. The memorial is outside the Viking Ship Museum in Bygdoy.

Postcard depicting a modern commemorative "runestone" in the Jardin des Plantes, Rouen – a gift from the Kingdom of Norway. "In 1911 the city of Rouen celebrated the millenium of the founding of the Duchy of Normandy and the baptism of the…
Rune stone from Sala landsförsamlings Kyrka, Västmanland(Vs 29). According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads: + uisti + yk + alfton + litu + akua + stin + yftir + ulmo + faþur + sen + yk + ulfast + bruþur +…
Rune stone from Hassmyra, Västmanland(Vs 24). According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads: buonti × kuþr × hulmkoetr × lit × resa × ufteR × oþintisu × kunu × seno…
Rune stone from Ulvsta, Västmanland(Vs 22). According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads: ... + ytR : runfast * bruþur + s=in : hn : toþr : i : faru + runo : ... (t)rka... eptir Rúnfast, bróður…
Rune stone from Lilla Kyringe, Västmanland(Vs 15). According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads: §A× higulfr × lit × kira × merki × þisa × at × knut × faþur san…
Rune stone from Lilla Kyringe, Västmanland(Vs 15). According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads: §A × higulfr × lit × kira × merki × þisa × at × knut × faþur…
Rune stone from Västerås (Anundshög), Västmanland(Vs 13). According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads: × fulkuiþr × raisti × staina × þasi × ala × at ×…
Rune stone from Saltängsbron, Västmanland(Vs 9). According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads: × kisl × lit × kera × buru × eftR × osl × sun × sin × han…;32B.JPG/EKOIrkUY_kogAigCKAQ/at7GSYxhkYLjHU-WOUmD8wXqlMPEueKP_dS2MRCzGpQ
Rune stone from Ärnevi, Uppland (U Fv1990;32B). According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads: staki auk * þi-fi * litu * rist- * stain * þi-a * i-tir * himik + faþur × sin *Staki(?) ok Þj[al]fi…;107.JPG/EKOIrkUY_kogAigCKAQ/_gPBjXP0l_wyyTnTYZGepQVls3ZVyaRXOu2rURIcq7E
Rune stone in Uppsala domkyrka, Uppland (U Fv1976;107). According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads: ...-arn * uk * brantr litu * risa * stin * at * karluk * faþur * sin in * kitilbiarn at * broþur ybir risti…;104.JPG/EKOIrkUY_kogAigCKAQ/WY3hP34CRNRZzViP6H1enAsREUi1fa_RPPxN1sJaurU
Rune stone fromUppsala domkyrka, Uppland (U Fv1976;104). According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads: rikr * ok * hulti * fastkair * þaiR * litu * ...a stain * at * uikmar * faþur * sin * styriman * koþan :…;274.JPG/EKOIrkUY_kogAigCKAQ/Chn9rAc5DkXqPDd3xD4C5dw5S5csqThCiY9cV1TvA-o
Rune stone fromSkånela Kyrka, Uppland (U Fv1953;274). According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads: ... lit × raisa × staina × ...a(h)...... lét reisa steina ... ... had the stones raised ...;168.JPG/EKOIrkUY_kogAigCKAQ/6o9dXr1Itz1hPtn5qwxmWp7zv7gF3xZjhBC5NEcvnSE
Rune stone from Alsike Kyrka, Uppland (U Fv1948;168). According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads: sibi * uk * ikriþ * litu * raisa * stain * iftiR * g-ha * uk * at * harþ * suni * sina * sihimuntr * uk * sihikfastr *…
Rune stone from Lilla Runhällen, Råsbo, Uppland (U 1181). According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads: ...-(i) × lit × (a)kua ... ...[k × sa](l)fan × ek-...ns*fari ' a(f)i × kunu-s *...…
Rune stone fromStora Ramsjö, Uppland (U 1175). According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription is nonsense, and the ornamentation is a copy of U 1163.
Rune stone from Stora Ramsjö, Uppland (U 1174). According to the Samnordisk runtextdatabas the inscription reads: kun(u)-- * lit * risa * stin * þina * at * biarnkir *: sun * sin * a(k) ...(b)rn faþur sin * -u--- -----sin *…
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