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  • Tags: Vaksala
Rune stone from Vaksalakyrka, Uppland (U 964). According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads: + kitilfiriþR : lit : sitia : stin : for : ot : suins bunt... ...lukR : iuk : kinlau-aRKetilfríðr lét setja stein…
Rune stone from Vaksalakyrka, Uppland (U 963). According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads: niskunukR + lit ... ...rn + faþur + sin + auk + ika + iftR + buota + sin + ku... ... þini × ikulburn + ak + kuþs…
Rune stone from Vaksalakyrka, Uppland (U 962). According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads: ... at ' sik ' silfa... ...--[k]an ' in ' (r)[ai-]-(n) ' -(a)stgi[-]... at sik sjalfa[n kvi]kvan. En <rai--n>…
Rune stone from Vaksalakyrka, Uppland (U 961). According to theSamnordisk runtextdatabasthe inscription reads: h(u)(l)-a + lit + raisa stain + þina at kitilbiarn ' faþur ' sin + auk runfriþ ' at ' bonta ' auk ihulfastr ' riþ…
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