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  • Tags: Middelalder

A Norwegian farmhouse from the second half of the thirteenth century.

The layout of part of medieval Oslo is shown with log walls one or two layers high and the cord roads in between them. This gives a sense of how narrow these streets could be.

Teva Vidal_Early Spring 2016_ Outline_WorldTree.pdf
A series of items for a six week introductory course about the Vikings, including lecture slides, reading lists and notes about the course.

Replica of the carvings of the portal to Hylestad stave church. The carvings show scenes from the Sigurd legend.

A medieval weather vane from a ship. This, like other weather vanes, was eventually placed on a church, in this case Tingelstad Church. It is currently on display in Kulturhistorisk museet in Oslo.

002_class two seminar questions.pdf
Seminar questions for the second part of a course on Snorra Edda. This session focuses on the Prologue and Gylfaginning

006_myths of misalliance.pdf
Seminar questions about the role of misalliance in Gylfaginning, Skáldskaparmál and Skírnismál with specific reference to Njörðr and Freyr.

This relief is in the wall of Oslo cathedral. It depicts a man beset by beasts or devils, and was originally in St Hallvard's Cathedral. Iconographically, it is similar to the figure beset by beasts motif that is a feature of some earlier runestones…

The Abbey of St Olaf, the Viking saint, in Tønsberg. The photographs show the remains of the church attached to the abbey, and a bronze model of it. The church is circular, being the only round church in Vestfold.
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