Stories about the Vikings

Odin creates the world

This video is part of a series on Norse mythology. It introduces some basic ideas about Norse mythology, although it also gets some things a little wrong. KeltieCochrane who made the video has other videos about Norse mythology too.

The punishment of Loki

Storynory imageStorynory tells the story of how Loki was punished by the other gods for being evil. Loki's punishment was gruesome and he was only saved a lot of pain by his wife Signy whose devotion went far beyond what he deserved.

This story is downloadable from the website and there are many other stories about the Norse gods on the site.

The legend of Baron Kitter

Baron KitterThe legend of Baron Kitter tells how Kitterland Island in the Calf Sound got its name due to the drowning of the Norwegian Baron Kitter. Like Kitterland, there are many places in the Isle of Man with Norse names, showing where the Vikings settled, and sometimes what sort of place it was during the Viking Age.

Stories about the Vikings