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  • Tags: Weapons

Iron axehead from the Fishamble Street excavations. Viking Age. The axe is a distinctively Norse weapon of warfare. E 172:2421

Iron arrowhead from Christchurch Place, Dublin. Viking Age. Probably used for warfare rather than hunting. E122:13194

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Iron arrowhead from Christchurch Place, Dublin. Viking Age. Probably used for warfare rather than hunting. E122:15391

Six tanged iron arrowheads from Dublin (Fishamble St., High Street, Christchurch Place). Viking Age.

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The Ytri-Ásar sword was found by hunters at Ytri-Ásar in southern Iceland in 2016. It is being conserved now and was on display briefly when this photograph was taken.

A sword, axe, spearhead, fish hook, whetstone and other artefacts found during excavations in the 1930s at Kaupang in Skiringssal.
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