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  • Tags: Middelalder

The layout of part of medieval Oslo is shown with log walls one or two layers high and the cord roads in between them. This gives a sense of how narrow these streets could be.

A Norwegian farmhouse from the second half of the thirteenth century.

002_handout The Asian Origins of Nordic Culture.pdf
A handout for a course on Snorra Edda discussing Snorri's view that the Norse gods came from Asia.

HHII and the legend of Sigmundr preparation.pdf
A preparation sheet detailing work to be done and questions to be considered when translating and analysing Helgakviða Hundingsbana II.

Gordarike in Hallingdal has traces of Viking Age and medieval history. You can visit Gol stave church, King Hadding's grave mound and learn about the Vikings here.

Gol Stave Church was moved to the Folkemuseum in the late 19th century. Only about one third of the surviving church was used (those parts that were thought to be medieval). The church that stands at the Folkemuseum now was modelled on Borgund Stave…

Fornsalen in Visby has displays about the history of Gotland.
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