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  • Tags: Manuscripts

Oldgamle runer
Table containing various rune forms. Today at the National Library in Copenhagen.

Types of Abbreviations in Old Norse Manuscripts.pdf
A handout discussing the various abbreviations used in Old Norse manuscripts.

The international Medieval Animal Data-Network (MAD) was founded in 2005 at the Department of Medieval Studies at Central European University (Budapest) as an attempt to bring together multi-stranded intellectual thought concerning human-animal…

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Menota is a network of archives, libraries and research departments working with medieval texts and manuscript facsimilies. The website links to numerous resources related to this topic.

Landnamabok MS
Repository for catalogues and digital description of manuscripts including Icelandic sagas

"Stories for all time"
Stories for all time is a research project based at the University of Copenhagen's Department of Nordic research (Nordisk Forskningsinstitut). It aims to survey the transmission history of the Fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda or legendary sagas.

One section of the Skylitzes manuscript illustrates how the Varangian Guard, an elite mercenary unit mainly consisting of Scandinavians in Byzantine service, dealt with the death of one of their number. The deceased had attempted to rape a woman, so…

Pre-Christian Religions of the North is an international project to document the mythology and religious practices of early Scandinavia and Germanic Europe. The Sources Database brings together resources related to the project.

Description taken from display in the Undercroft at York Minster: "The York Gospels was probably made by Anglo-Saxon monks at Canterbury around 1020 and brought to York by Archbishop Wulfstan. It is the only book from before the Norman Conquest to…

Photographs from Landnámssýningin Reykjavík 871±2 - The Settlement Exhibition in Iceland
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