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  • Tags: History

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An interactive map of Dublin with a slider allowing a view of the city development through the Viking and Medieval periods. Produced by Dublinia as part of their Online Learning Resources, and available for Primary Level and for Everyone.

The Online Learning Website from Dublinia features interactive maps of Viking and medieval Dublin, and nine audio visual animations on historical sites in the city, available via a free online platform at

A short walking tour of Dublin's Viking and Medieval sites from the website

Slides for a paper on the Viking game of tafl. The article outlines the history of tafl games. The slides are downloadable as a pdf

A short essay about the Vikings with links to other resources.

Some important dates in the Viking Age, both in Dublin and in the wider Viking World. This is one of the first displays that visitors to Dublinia encounter. For more information, and to arrange a visit, see

Replicas of placards used during the demonstrations against the development of the Wood Quay site in Dublin in the 1970s. Dublin City Council's Civic Offices were built on the site of Viking Dublin, after some of the most important excavations of a…

A blog post on The History Channel programme 'Unconventional Warfare' and its approach to presenting the Viking berserk.
This video perpetuates some myths about the Vikings' sudden appearance as a historical phenomenon, but highlights the fear that might have been felt by the inhabitants of the places they raided.

Bishops. Manuscripts. Pilgrimage. Wealth. In 793 CE,…

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Breen's PhD thesis on the Old Norse berserkr. The thesis itself is not available to view online but the link provides details of how to view it.

Breen, G. J. (1999). Berserkr in Old Norse and Icelandic literature. (doctoral thesis).

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A Facebook group for those interested in the Vikings. The site is run by Heather D. Linnett.

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An essay about Cork in the Viking Age
In the first episode of our new video series, we play 'Vikings', a tile-placement strategy game designed by Michael Kiesling in 2007, in which Dr. Rory Naismith and Dr. Kate Wiles dispel the myth of horned Norsemen and uncover the secrets of buried…
Viking history to the tune of Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode. We used clips from documentaries to make this one. The song is very Viking-ish anyway.

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A website about Vikings with the author's views on a range of topics related to them.

Podcast from Le Salon noir, France Culture, broadcast Saturday 9 January at 19:30.
'Dans les pas des invasions vikings' (In the Footsteps of the Viking Invasions') with Vincent Carpentier, medieval archaeologist at Inrap

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A short history of the Viking Age and medieval period in Norway with exercises for pupils. These are supplements to the book 'Historie Vg2. Fra de eldste tider til 1700-tallet'.

A mural in Dublin City Hall entitled 'Brian Boru and the Battle of Clontarf 1014 A.D' by James Ward and students of the Dublin Metropolitan School of Art. Completed in 1919.

A mural in Dublin City Hall entitled 'Irishmen oppose the Landing of the Viking Fleet, 841 A.D' by James Ward and students of the Dublin Metropolitan School of Art. Completed in 1919

A handout produced by Joanne Shortt Butler on the origins of sagas: composition and tradition, including a timeline, extracts from sagas, and a reading list.
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