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  • Collection: Resources for Old Norse Literature
Hrafnagaldur Óðins is a late-medieval or early modern Icelandic Eddic-style poem, which was considered by early editors to be part of the Eddic corpus.

According to the performer, Guðrún Kristín Magnúsdóttir, who chants the poem in the…

A scholarly edition of the late Eddic (or Eddic-style) poem 'Hrafnagaldur Óðins' (Odin's Raven Spell) by Annette Lassen, for the Viking Society for Norther Research (2011). The edition is available to download as a PDF.

A blog that is primarily about monsters, but with reference to the author's research into monsters in the Icelandic sagas.

Rebecca Merkelbach on outlaws, trolls and berserkers in the Icelandic sagas. This article considers how different types of characters in the sagas are monstrous.

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Schorn's thesis on Old Norse wisdom poetry. The thesis is downloadable at the link for this item.

Schorn, B. E. (2012). 'How can his word be trusted?': speaker and authority in Old Norse wisdom poetry (doctoral thesis).

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Breen's PhD thesis on the Old Norse berserkr. The thesis itself is not available to view online but the link provides details of how to view it.

Breen, G. J. (1999). Berserkr in Old Norse and Icelandic literature. (doctoral thesis).

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Webstedet Studér Middelalder På Nettet indeholder danske tekster fra middelalderen i tekstkritiske udgaver. Materialet dækker: perioden ca. 1100-1515; sprogene gammeldansk og latin; genrer som ridderromaner, krøniker og lovtekster; og forskellige…

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Digital copies of publications produced by the Viking Society for Northern Research, including 'Saga Book' vols. I–XXXVIII, 'A New Introduction to Old Norse', a number of significant texts in translation, and various other articles, essays, and…

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This is a translation of Bjarkamál in fornu which was sung by the skald Thormod before the battle of Stiklestad.

The poem Bjarkamál in fornu in Old Norse, Danish and Swedish.

The Icelandic Saga Map project has created an interactive map of the Icelandic sagas, linking places on the map to events in the sagas.

Sheryl McDonald Werronen tweeted 30 riddarasögur (courtly romances) over the course of 30 days. This blog post links to storifies of the tweets so you can catch up on them all easily.

Heimskringla is an online collection of Old Norse source material.

The history of three Viking kings (Harald Bluetooth, Sweyn Forkbeard, Cnut the Great) told using sound and video projection mapping as a Son et Lumiere for Illuminating York 2013.

For detailed notes on the history used in this work follow these…

Modern Poets on Viking Poetry is a cultural engagement scheme based at the Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic, University of Cambridge. It is funded by the AHRC. The project aims to create cross-cultural engagement between modern and Viking…
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