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  • Tags: Stiklarstaðir

The Culture Centre at Stiklestad was built to mark commemorate the Battle of Stiklestad which is usually taken to mark the coming of Christianity to Norway in 1030.

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A short article about Olav Haraldsson who was canonised in 1031. He died at the Battle of Stiklestad in 1030, and is credited with bringing Christianity to Norway.

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The page linked to by this item records the death of Olav Haraldsson in 1030 at the Battle of Stiklestad. It states only that he was killed by his own people (i.e. the Norwegians) and afterwards canonised. No other details are given

Cotton MS…

Anders Baasmo Christensen as King Olav in the 2003 production of The Saint Olav Drama.

Sven Nordin as Olaf II in The Saint Olav Drama at Stiklestad, Norway

Halfdan Egedius: Illustration for Olav den helliges saga. Snorre 1899-edition.

Book: Snorre Sturlason - Heimskringla, J.M. Stenersen & Co, 1899.

Finnr Arnason was an advisor to Olaf Haraldsson. His name is often spelled Arnesson now.

A painting of the fall of Olaf Haraldsson at Stiklestad in 1030. Thorir hund stabs him with a spear.

An article about Thorir Hund, who opposed Olaf Haraldsson at Stiklestad in 1030.
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