Replicas of placards used during the demonstrations against the development of the Wood Quay site in Dublin in the 1970s. Dublin City Council's Civic Offices were built on the site of Viking Dublin, after some of the most important excavations of a…
From Contributor: "This is a great group of people I have the privilege of working with this summer, they are from the Tsilhqot’in Nation in western B.C. Canada, and although First Nation / Viking contact may be limited to brand logos on safety…
The walls of Dublin Castle were built on the original defensive banks of the Viking settlement. In the undercroft of the powder tower the foundations of these defensive banks and revetments can be seen.
Fishamble street is one of the oldest streets in Dublin, and dates back to the Viking longphort, which was established as a permanent settlement by 841. Fishamble street was in the eastern side of the settlement, with Winetavern Street marking the…
A short handout produced by Joanne Shortt Butler on the topic of Ari Thorgilsson’s Book of the Icelanders and Icelandic Identity, including a short reading list, questions, and a glossary of terms and characters.
Many place names in Iceland reference the earliest Norse settlers, such as this example of Ingólfshvoll (Ingólfr's Hill), referring to the first permanent settler, Ingólfr Arnarson whose name appears in several place names in the vicinity of…
An interactive map of Dublin with a slider allowing a view of the city development through the Viking and Medieval periods. Produced by Dublinia as part of their Online Learning Resources, and available for Primary Level and for Everyone.
This narrow lane leading up from the south bank of the River Lee in Cork is one of the only place names in the city with possible Norse roots. The name may come from the ON word keisari (meaning emperor) or more likely from keisa, meaning to bend or…
Layout of a plot excavated in 1980-81 at Wood's Quay / Fishamble Street in Dublin, and dating to the eleventh century. The plot includes several dwellings and connecting walkways. Erected by the National Museum of Ireland and the Dublin Corporation…
Þingvellir is a rift valley in South West Iceland, and the original site of the Alþingi (Icelandic Parliament), which was established at Þingvellir in c. 930. Lögberg (Law Rock) was a prominent natural platform for the Lawspeaker to preside over…
Þingvellir is a rift valley in South West Iceland, and the original site of the Alþingi (Icelandic Parliament), which was established at Þingvellir in c. 930. Lögberg (Law Rock) was a prominent natural platform for the Lawspeaker to preside over…
A map of the Viking world as named by (or as known to) the Norse peoples. Whilst the names are not entirely accurate (and include a few not recorded in Norse sources), it does illustrate the extent of Norse activity.
A model representing the important trading settlement of Ribe in the Viking Age. Details about the exhibition can be found at