Thirteenth century runic stone from Sandavágur Church in the Faroes. The inscription reads 'Þorkell Ônundar sonr, austmaðr af Rogalandi, bygði þenna stað fyrst.' Þorkell Ônundr's son, man of the east from Rogaland, lived in this place first…
A print out and colour in map of the Viking World from the Layers of Learning initiative, which is a homeschool curriculum company and produces several free-to-share educational resources for children. A PDF can be downloaded at their website.
From Contributor: "This is a great group of people I have the privilege of working with this summer, they are from the Tsilhqot’in Nation in western B.C. Canada, and although First Nation / Viking contact may be limited to brand logos on safety…
St Kilda is an isolated archipelago west of the Hebridies. The etymology of St Kilda is debated, but it does not refer to a saint - the most likely origin is from Old Norse: either a corruption of Skildir ('shield') or from the Norse name for a…
St Kilda is an isolated archipelago west of the Hebridies. The etymology of St Kilda is debated, but it does not refer to a saint - the most likely origin is from Old Norse: either a corruption of Skildir ('shield') or from the Norse name for a…
St Kilda is an isolated archipelago west of the Hebridies. The etymology of St Kilda is debated, but it does not refer to a saint - the most likely origin is from Old Norse: either a corruption of Skildir ('shield') or from the Norse name for a…
The Viking Answer Lady is a popular website that began life as a series of articles for the newsletter of the Barony of Bjornsborg, a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism. It includes articles on many aspects of the Vikings.
Þingvellir is a rift valley in South West Iceland, and the original site of the Alþingi (Icelandic Parliament), which was established at Þingvellir in c. 930. Lögberg (Law Rock) was a prominent natural platform for the Lawspeaker to preside over…
Via Wikimedia Commons: Recoloured crop of larger painting showing a romanticised view of the 11th century Althing (Viking parliament) in session. More information at
Þingvellir is a rift valley in South West Iceland, and the original site of the Alþingi (Icelandic Parliament), which was established at Þingvellir in c. 930. Lögberg (Law Rock) was a prominent natural platform for the Lawspeaker to preside over…
Þingvellir is a rift valley in South West Iceland, and the original site of the Alþingi (Icelandic Parliament), which was established at Þingvellir in c. 930.
Þingvellir is a rift valley in South West Iceland, and the original site of the Alþingi (Icelandic Parliament), which was established at Þingvellir in c. 930.
Many place names in Iceland reference the earliest Norse settlers, such as this example of Ingólfshvoll (Ingólfr's Hill), referring to the first permanent settler, Ingólfr Arnarson whose name appears in several place names in the vicinity of…