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  • Tags: PhD Thesis

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This PhD thesis examines how houses were used in the Viking Age and medieval period, and compares archaeological evidence with the medieval Icelandic sagas.

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Schorn's thesis on Old Norse wisdom poetry. The thesis is downloadable at the link for this item.

Schorn, B. E. (2012). 'How can his word be trusted?': speaker and authority in Old Norse wisdom poetry (doctoral thesis).

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Breen's PhD thesis on the Old Norse berserkr. The thesis itself is not available to view online but the link provides details of how to view it.

Breen, G. J. (1999). Berserkr in Old Norse and Icelandic literature. (doctoral thesis).

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Milek's thesis on using archaeological data as supporting evidence in the debate on how early Icelandic society was constituted and organised, and how it developed over its first 200 years. The thesis is available to download at the item's…
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