Browse Items (59 total)
- Tags: Oslo
Frieze: The Swan Maidens
Frieze: The Warning about Ragnarok
Frieze: Thor in his Chariot
Tags: Art, City Hall, Friezes, Mjollnir, Modern, Norge, Norse Mythology, Norway, Oslo, Poetic Edda, Radhus, Reception, Tanngnjost, Tanngrisne, Tanngrisnir, Thor, Wood, Þórr
Frieze: Vidar defeats the Wolf Fenrir
Frieze: Volund the Smith has Thoughts of Revenge
Gjermundbu Helmet
Tags: Archaeological Artefacts, Armour, Burial Mound, Gjermundbu, Helmets, Norge, Norway, Oslo, Viking Age, Vikingtid
Gol stave church
Tags: Christianity, Gol, Hallingdal, Norway, Oslo, Religion, Stave Churches, Stavkirke
Gol Stave Church
Harald Hardråde - Monumentet
Tags: Harald Hardrada, Harald Hardråde, Haraldr harðráði, Memorials, Monuments, Norge, Norway, Oslo
Iduns gate, Oslo
Tags: Idun, Modern, Norge, Norse Gods, Norse Mythology, Norway, Oslo, Road Signs, Street Signs
Iron rattle
Iron shears
Kulturhistorisk museum, Oslo
Tags: Kulturhistorisk museum, Medieval, Norge, Norway, Oslo, Viking Age
Medieval Oslo
Tags: Medieval, Middelalder, Norge, Norway, Oslo, Reconstruction
Norrøna Shop, Oslo
Oil lamps
Oval brooches and beads
Remains of St Hallvard's Cathedral, Oslo
St Hallvard shot full of arrows and killed when he tried to defend a pregnant woman from attack.…
Tags: Archaeological Sites, Cathedral, Christianity, Church, Norge, Norway, Oslo, St Hallvard
Replica of Church Portal from Hylestad Stave Church
Tags: Gunnar, Medieval, Middelalder, Museums, Norse Mythology, Norway, Oslo, Religion, Sigurd, Stave Churches, Stavkirke