Dublinia is a not-for-profit heritage centre based at the crossroads of the medieval city at Christchurch, Dublin. It promotes learning about Viking and medieval Dublin both through the exhibitions in the centre itself and as part of an online…
The Gersum Project, funded by the AHRC, aims to understand Scandinavian influence on English vocabulary by examining the origins of up to 1,600 words in a corpus of Middle English poems from the North of England.
Gol Stave Church was moved to the Folkemuseum in the late 19th century. Only about one third of the surviving church was used (those parts that were thought to be medieval). The church that stands at the Folkemuseum now was modelled on Borgund Stave…
Gordarike in Hallingdal has traces of Viking Age and medieval history. You can visit Gol stave church, King Hadding's grave mound and learn about the Vikings here.