Dublinia is a not-for-profit heritage centre based at the crossroads of the medieval city at Christchurch, Dublin. It promotes learning about Viking and medieval Dublin both through the exhibitions in the centre itself and as part of an onlineā¦
An interactive map of Dublin with a slider allowing a view of the city development through the Viking and Medieval periods. Produced by Dublinia as part of their Online Learning Resources, and available for Primary Level and for Everyone.
The Online Learning Website from Dublinia features interactive maps of Viking and medieval Dublin, and nine audio visual animations on historical sites in the city, available via a free online platform at http://dublinia.ie/online-learning/
A new app is coming that will permit visitors to Gamla Uppsala to see the environment as it used to be on an iPad that they can borrow from the museum.
A print out and colour in map of the Viking World from the Layers of Learning initiative, which is a homeschool curriculum company and produces several free-to-share educational resources for children. A PDF can be downloaded at their website.
A virtual tour of the Ribe VikingCenter, demonstrating the layout of the three main areas and allowing families to plan their visit to the Center.For more information about the Center, see item#1007and the officialwebsite