The Cuerdale Hoard is the largest Viking hoard discovered in the British Isles, and includes 8,600 pieces, mostly silver including hacksliver, ingots and coins from as far afield as Byzantium and the Islamic world. It dates to 905 and was discovered…
The Cuerdale Hoard is the largest Viking hoard discovered in the British Isles, and includes 8,600 pieces, mostly silver including hacksliver, ingots and coins from as far afield as Byzantium and the Islamic world. It dates to 905 and was discovered…
The Huxley Hoard is a collection of Viking silver that was buried for safekeeping, but was never retrieved. The 21 bracelets and one ingot were discovered near Huxley in Cheshire in 2004. The hoard is owned jointly by Chester Grosvenor Museum,…
The Spillings hoard is the largest Viking-Age silver treasure hoard ever found. It was discovered in 1999 while the finders were filming a programme on looting of sites by metal detectorists.
The Llandwrog hoard was found in March 2015. It comprises silver coins and ingots, and is thought to have been buried between 1020 and 1030. Eight of the coins date back to 995 while the other six are thought to date from around 1018.