Völuspá is one of the most important poems in the Poetic Edda, and the most well-known account of the beginning and end of the world (Ragnarok) in Norse myth.
Dr. Jackson Crawford's translation of the Poetic Edda presents this critical source of…
This is the opening poem of the Poetic Edda, chanted in a style influenced by rímur tradition by Sveinbjörn Beinteinsson, allsherjargoði (very roughly translated as "high priest") of Iceland's Ásatrúarfélagið (Æsir Faith Fellowship) from…
Recital in Old Norse from the original Edda text, Voluspa (The Sibyls Prophecy or Divination of the Witch), a Heathen, Viking Age, Old Norse Poem on Creation, recorded in writing during the 12th Century A.D. (See below for English…
Digital copies of publications produced by the Viking Society for Northern Research, including 'Saga Book' vols. I–XXXVIII, 'A New Introduction to Old Norse', a number of significant texts in translation, and various other articles, essays, and…
The history of three Viking kings (Harald Bluetooth, Sweyn Forkbeard, Cnut the Great) told using sound and video projection mapping as a Son et Lumiere for Illuminating York 2013.
For detailed notes on the history used in this work follow these…
A translation into Spanish of the Old Norse poem Völundarkviða from the Poetic Edda by Josefina Troncoso (@kriemhildsrache on Twitter), a 3rd year English student at Durham University. This is one of the mythological poems, and is related to the…
A translation of the Old Norse poem Völundarkviða from the Poetic Edda by Josefina Troncoso (@kriemhildsrache on Twitter), a 3rd year English student at Durham University. This is one of the mythological poems, and is related to the tale of…
Webstedet Studér Middelalder På Nettet indeholder danske tekster fra middelalderen i tekstkritiske udgaver. Materialet dækker: perioden ca. 1100-1515; sprogene gammeldansk og latin; genrer som ridderromaner, krøniker og lovtekster; og forskellige…