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A chisel, a punch and two iron files are evidence of everyday activities in Dublin in the Viking Age. These were all found in Fishamble Street.

Video by Vimeo user Philip BromwellforRTÉ about theconstruction of the Viking House and Garden at the National Botanic Gardens, Dublin (Recreating the Architecture, Ecology & Experience of Dublin's Townhouses, AD 1014).

Photo blog following the progress of the construction of the Viking House and Garden at the National Botanic Gardens, Dublin (Recreating the Architecture, Ecology & Experience of Dublin's Townhouses, AD 1014). Includes an account of the Viking Age…

Photos of a reconstruction of a Hiberno-Norse house modeled on those found in the excavations in the Wood Quay area of Dublin, along with reconstructed Viking-Age garden. These photos were taken in 2014 by Maria Teresa Ramandi, participant in the…

Photos of a reconstruction of a Hiberno-Norse house modeled on those found in the excavations in the Wood Quay area of Dublin, along with reconstructed Viking-Age garden. These photos were taken in 2014 by Maria Teresa Ramandi, participant in the…

Photos of a reconstruction of a Hiberno-Norse house modeled on those found in the excavations in the Wood Quay area of Dublin, along with reconstructed Viking-Age garden. These photos were taken in 2014 by Maria Teresa Ramandi, participant in the…

Viking-Age wooden platter. Parish Unknown. Donated by Lerwick Town Council. AGR 65420

A comb on display at the Kulturhistorisk museum in Oslo

The Viking Answer Lady is a popular website that began life as a series of articles for the newsletter of the Barony of Bjornsborg, a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism. It includes articles on many aspects of the Vikings.
Catcliffe Primary School instructions on how to play the Viking board game called Hnefatafl.

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Vikings are often portrayed as barbaric, dirty warriors. However, archaeological finds indicate that they were well-coiffured, well-clad, and, not least, well-combed.

Objects found in a male Viking grave near Larne in 1840, in County Antrim. The grave dates from the 10th century. On loan from Duke of Northumberland at the Ulster Museum. The objects include an iron sword, an iron spear-head and ferrule, a bronze…
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